

Adresse Landgut Moserhof
Landgut Moserhof

Gerhild & Heinz Hartweger
Moos 1
A-9816 Penk / Reisseck

Phone: +43 4783 2300 oder +43 6641211634

Fax: +43 47832300-24

E-Mail: nflndgt-msrhft

Travel to the Moserhof  & business hours

You can reach us from Monday to Saturday from 09:00 am to 18:00 pm

How to find us

By car

 Tauernatuobahn A10 until exit Spittal/Millstättersee direction Lendorf Lienz – from Lendorf follow B100 until Möllbrücke – stay right direction of B106 > direction Mallnitz/Großglockner – Penk - Moserhof

 Guaranteed traffic jam free travel with the car-loading from Bad Gastein to Mallnitz, or over the Felbertauern – Lienz- Mölltal – Penk – Moserhof.

 You can also combine your arrival with a trip over the famous Grossglockner High Alpine Road.

 Zu Google Maps

By plane

 Cheap connection from Salzburg or Klagenfurt are taking you fast to your holiday at the Langut. We organise your airport shuttle. The next international airports close to us are_

  • Klagenfurt 100 km
  • Salzburg 150 km
  • Ljubljana in Slovenia 150 km

By train

 In cooperation with the Deutschen Bahn the “Nationalparkregion High Alpin Carinthia” offers the german guest a special deal for travellers by train. With the “RIT-Ticket” you can save up to 50 % of the normal price. The ticket is valid for all trains (incl. ICE etc.) Witht the ticket you also get additional descounts, children under 14 years traveling with parents or grandparents travel without charge. With the chargeable shuttle you drive from the train station Mallnitz-Obervellach to the Landugt Moserhof. If you are interested just ask us for more details. With pleasure we organise your ticket, or you can call yourself under the number +43 (0)48242700.

Social Media


It is wonderful that you are interested in spending your holidays at the Langut Moserhof. We gladly proof the aivailability of your desired charlet at the selected dates. It would be also nice to know, where did you hear from us.

Persönliche Daten *Pflichtfelder

Name / Adresse



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